After learning to knit and purl, the next step is to learn how to read your knitting. Knitting is a language of love and creativity you write with your knitting needles. Reading your knitting is the ability to understand and identify stitches the stitches you’re working on; understand what you’ve already done; know where you’re going next; find mistakes and know how to fix them. With knitting for years, you will be able to understand your knitting, but it is best if you start at the beginning, when you are learning the threads of the craft. Whether you use single-pointed knitting needles or circular to knit flat, the way to read your knitting is the same. Similarly, whether you knit in a circle with double-pointed or versatile circular knitting needles, you again have to follow the same steps.
So, here are 3 easy steps for learning how to read your knitting.
- Knit Stitch vs Purl Stitch
The knit stitch and the purl stitch are the basic stitches of a knitting pattern. The difference of making the stitch is in knit you have the working yarn behind your needles and in purl the working yarn is in front of the needle. Both knit and purl in a way are the exact same stitch worked on opposite sides of the fabric. The front side of a knit stitch is the same as the back side of a purl stitch and vice versa.
A knit stitch looks like a ‘V’ at its base and a purl stitch looks like an upside-down ‘U’.
- The basic structure of the knitted fabric
All kinds of knitted fabric comprise knit and purl stitches. But sometimes besides reading your stitches you need to understand the fabric. Garter Stitch (all knit stitches on all rows) and Stockinette is a pattern of alternative rows of knit and purl stitches. After you have had the practice with these basic knitted fabrics, you’ll move on to textured stitches such as seed, basketweave, etc. The process of identifying stitches and the structure gets easier with time and practice. This helps in fixing knitting mistakes. For instance, you might have to face the situation of fixing a dropped stitch and understanding your stitched fabric helps in correcting your mistake.
- How stitches sit on the knitting needle
When you knit, you make the stitches sit on the knitting needle. This is for all kinds of knitting techniques and all needles. However, it is very important to keep this in mind when knitting with double-pointed needles and joining the round. Understanding how to make stitches sit helps in understanding your knitting. Imagine the stitch on your knitting needle has legs and looks like someone mounted on horseback. It will have one leg in the direction of the pointy tip of the knitting needle on the front side of the fabric and another on the backside of the project. As the stitch is currently seated on the needle the right leg must be at the front of the needle and the left leg is at the back of the needle. The stitches should face this way regardless of whether you’ve done a row of knit or a purl. Any twist or anyway if the stitch is not sitting right, means you have made a mistake.
This understanding of how the stitches sit will help you with avoiding any dropped stitches and correct your tension if needed. It will also help in the situation when a pattern asks you to do a slip stitch knit-wise or purl-wise.
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